Easily convert your website into a PWA instantly!

Add the files inside of the directory folder to a compressed zip file. Then upload to convert the web app to a PWA. IMPORTANT!!! (your zip file must look something like this, when exporting it as a desktop/chrome application, or extension) index.html css/style.css js/script.js The zip example below WILL NOT WORK!!! AppName/index.html AppName/css/style.css AppName/js/script.js Your application's name is retrieved from the following in index.html <meta name="application-name" content="PWAConverter"> Your application's title is retrieved from the following in index.html <title>PWAConverter: Easily convert your website into a PWA instantly!</title> Your application's description is retrieved from the following in index.html <meta name="description" content="Easily convert your website into a PWA instantly!"> Now that you know how PWAConverter works, upload your zip file below, as well as your application's logo, and let PWAConverter do its magic!